The new mikvah opened on September 25, 2016. The mikvah has retained its current phone number, (412) 422-7110, at the new 1722 Denniston (corner Forbes and Denniston) location.


For daily hours, and to schedule or change an appointment, please call 412.422.7110 or visit us at The automated system will guide you through the process. Appointments are required and may be booked up to four days in advance on a first-come first-served basis. We encourage you to make an appointment as early as possible and by 4 pm on the day of your visit. Weekday appointments are 30 minutes in length for a shower and 60 minutes for a bath.


Friday night and Yom Tov appointments are also made through the automated system. Special staff will be available on those nights by appointment only. Please be prompt for your appointment.

Patrons must always schedule an appointment before 4:00 pm of the day of immersion. If you did not schedule an appointment for Friday night/Yom Tov and you arrive to find no attendant, please go to your Rebbetzin for assistance.


If you require special arrangements (bridal appointment, conversion) or in case of an after hours emergency, call Leah Milch at 412.400.4497 or Tzippy Rosenberg at 412.818.8975. Please note that there is an additional fee for appointments outside of regular hours.

To safeguard the privacy of our patrons, no men will be allowed in the Mikvah building or on the property on any night, including Friday night.